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Sharing our 2.5 years of experience in Life Natural

தமிழில் We have been practicing Life Natural for more than two and a half years now. I have been thinking to write a post for the past ...

Friday, October 25, 2013



Panchatcharam is a juice prepared with 5 ingredients. Follow the exact measurement of each item to get the exact taste of Apple juice, else the juice will not taste great.

Ingredients: (for 1 person)
  1. Ash gourd extract - 1 glass (100 ml)
  2. Banana stem extract - slightly lesser than 1/2 glass
  3. Radish extract - slightly lesser than 1/4 glass
  4. Lemon - 1/2 piece
  5. Honey - 3 table spoons

  1. First prepare the extracts of ash gourd, banana stem & radish separately. 
  2. Then mix all 3 juices together. 
  3. Squeeze lemon in it. 
  4. Mix the honey finally, stir well and drink.


  1. what is the use of this drink ? when to drink ?

    1. It is an alkaline rich drink. Once in a fortnight or month should be okay. On all other days, green juice made of any of the sattvic herbs like Bermuda grass, Black Night Shade leaves, Bilva leaves should be good.
